29 February 2008

Fostex FE127E DIY Bass Reflex Speakers

Peter in Australia has put together a nice looking pair of DIY speakers. The speakers are a fullrange (single driver) design in a 12.5L bookshelf sized enclosure. The enclosure design is a simple bass reflex cabinet using the Fostex FE127E fullrange speaker drivers (shown below).

Fostex FE127E Fullrange Speaker
The DIY speaker cabinets are constructed using MDF and finished with a real wood veneer. The speakers can be run fullrnage or through a Baffle Step Compensation Circuit. Peter reports that these relatively small speakers work well in small to medium sized rooms and have very special sonics which can bring out spectacular mids.

Fostex FE127E DIY Bass Reflex Speakers
For additional information, pictures and the speaker cabinet design, see Fostex FE127E DIY Bass Reflex Bookshelf Speakers.

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25 February 2008

Fostex FX120 Bass Reflex Speakers

A few months back I posted some pictures and comments about the new great looking curved speaker cabinets from Parts Express. The cabinet I ordered are 0.38 ft3 and have a black piano gloss finish.

Having built a couple pairs of speakers using inexpensive fullrange Fostex drivers, I really wanted to hear what more expensive fullrange drivers sound like. So I ordered up a pair of Fostex FX120 fullrange drivers.

For the enclosure, I decided to try a simple bass reflex cabinet tuned to about 63 Hz. The dimensions and tuning is very similar to that recommended by Fostex. The results are pretty good (both looks and sound). The FX120 is a very smooth and detailed driver and I prefer over the Fostex FE127E driver (which is very good considering the low cost).

In a small sized room the speakers deliver decent bass extension and it also blends in well with a subwoofer. The FX120 has great sonics and a fantastic midrange. The relatively small bookshelf speaker also work great as near field monitors.

For more information about this DIY speaker project see the project page, Fostex FX120 Bass Reflex Bookshelf Speakers.

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